Rabu, 30 November 2011

Porang (Amarphopallus oncophilus)

Price: IDR /kg (franco Jogja)

Porang has many benefits, especially for industry and healthy, because the content glucomanan subtance present in it. While the benefit of tubers porang are as glue or adhesive materials and a food ingredient.
Tuber porang can be made chips and flour after purified so varied food, included noodles, tofu and low-calorie artificial rice. Other benefits include porang used as a mixture of industrial raw materials, the basic material of the film industry, until the body is processed into beverages.

Cubeb (Piper Cubeba)

Price : IDR /kg

Dried cubeb used as sesioning cooking. In addition, cubeb also efficacious as cure asthma, body warmes, and eliminating bad breath.

Dried Celery

We sell dried celery

Price : IDR 35.000/kg (Franco Jogja - Indonesia)

Ready stock : 150 kg

For collegous who need this comodity,  please contact us via the available contact.

Herbal Extracts

We sell various kind of herbal extracts, such as :
White turmeric
Rodent tuber
Andrographis paniculata

For more information, pleas contact : Hp. +62 81227134411 atau telp. +62 274-7153181 email : primacoco@yahoo.com

Essential Oil

We sell essential oil, such as:
Turtle Oil
Price : IDR 350.000/liter

Turtle oil from fat turtle is prosseced by natural heating from the sun for a month so that the properties of pure awake. No wonder the machinations of oil prices tend to be more expensive, because it was terbulti quality and quality. Bulus oil contains several vitamins include: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E is very useful for maintaining and caring for skin health, etc.:

Benefits of turtle oil for the treatment of breast and skins:
  • Tightens the breast become smooth, plump and beautifully captivating
  • Smooths and tightens facial skins
  • Treat acne and spots
  • Treat back acne
  • Treat eczeme and the other skin problems
  • Eliminate cellulite
  • Eliminate strechmark after give birth

Benefits of turtle oif for the adult mans:
  • As a lubricant therapy and health care male genitalia
  • Helps tighten and harden the male genitalia
  • Membantu memperbesar dan memperpanjang alat kelamin pria
Clove Oil
Price : confirm first
Clove oil is an essential oil that use for an alternative treatment. Many of the substances contained in clove oil is an antibiotic, anti-virus, anti fungal and has efficiency as an antiseptic. In addition it was also found that about 60-90 percent eugenol in clove oil

The other content in it is the substanc emanganese, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium and calcium. Vitamins are needed by the body also is in it, especially vitamin C and vitaminK.

Based on research note that clove oil can reduce inflammation in the body, boosting the immune system naturally, improving blood circulation, increases metabolism and help cope with stress and depression.

Some ways to use clove oil's health benefits, as quoted from eHow:
  1. Clove oil is useful for improving respiratory conditions. For people suffering from colds, nasal congestion, viral infections, asthma, tuberculosis or bronchitis can use clove oil. Take 10-15 drops of clove oil mixture in a glass of boiled water. It is also effective to overcome the symptoms of sore throat.
  2. Clove oil can cure a toothache. Substance eugenol contained in clove oil can be a pain killer as well as bacteria and fungi naturally. Apply a drop of clove oil and olive oil to a cotton ball, then put on the tooth decay or pain. This technique can also reduce inflammation.
  3. Clove oil to reduce muscle and joint pain. In the calcium contained clove oil, omega 3 oil and iron all of which can contribute to strengthen the joints and bones in the body.
  4. Clove oil to treat skin conditions. Clove oil can be used naturally to heal the skin, treat insect bites and reduce the likelihood of infection.
Hazelnut Oil
Price : IDR 450.000/liter
Hazelnut oil nutritious healthy hair, ranging from nourish, strengthen and make naturally black hair. It can also be used to treat toothache, ulcers, fever and swelling in the joints of the bones and can be used as liniment to overcomes aches and colds.

Ginger Oil
Price : IDR 1.500.000,-/kg
Ginger oil contains gingerol a typical aromatic ginger, efficacious to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting. Also felt a sharp helps stimulate appetite, strengthen the intestinal muscles, helping function of the heart. In traditional Asian medicine, ginger is used to treat colds, coughs, diarrhea and inflammatory disease like arthritis. Ginger is also used to enhance the cleansing of the body through sweat.

Betel Oil
Price : IDR 1.600.000/kg
Essential oil of betel leaf contains fly oil (betlephenol), sesquiterpene, starch, diatese, sugar and tanning substances and chavicol which has its deadly germs, anti-oxidant and fungicides, anti-fungal.

Alpinia Galanga (Galanga) Oil
Price : IDR 450.000/kg
Chemical compounds found in galanga such as containing fly oil, sesquiterpene, pinenne, methyl cinnamates, kaemferida, galangol and yellow crystals. Essential oil are contained galangol,galangin, alpinen, camphor, methyl cinnamate. Some uses galanga as medicinal plants used to treat rheumatism, spleen pain, arouse and increase appetite, bronchitis, mobili, antibacterial, cleanse the blood, liquefy phlegm, stimulate muscles and can arouse sexual desire. Galanga was also have a role in extending the shelf life or preserve food spoilage due to microbial activity.

Curcuma xanthorrhiza Oil
Price : IDR 600.000,-/kg
Curcuma xanthorrhiza oil is very efficacious for anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic bile, cholesterol lowering, diuretic, breast enhancer, tonic and joint pain relievers.

Fennel Seed Oil
Price: IDR 1.000.000,-/kg
Fennel Seed efficacious eliminates cold, blood circulation, pain relievers (analgesics), nourish the stomach, increase appetite,liquefy phlegm, carminative and stimulate production of milk. Leaves smelling aromatic and nutritious as stimulant, laxative urine (diuretic), laktagoga. stomakik, and explain the vision. Herba efficacious as anti-emetics. Root as a laxative and diuretic. While the oil from the fruits efficacious as a stimulant, cartimative, antibacterial and antelmintik.

Zingiber purpureum Oil
Peice : IDR 700.000,-/kg
Zingiber purpureum contain essential oil, such as sineol, pinene and seskuiterpen. Moreover, it also contain a bitter resin, fat, gum, sugar and albuminoid. Zingiber purpureum efficacious for slimming the body, fever, headache, cough, stomach ache, colds, constipation, jaundice, worms, rheumatic, medical herbs, obesity, shrinking the stomach after giving birth.


  • Gandapura oil : IDR 51.000/liter
  • Chili oil : IDR 420.000,-/liter
  • Clove oil : IDR 240.000,-/liter
  • Mint oil : IDR 540.000,-/liter

For more info, please contack us : Hp. +62 81227134411 or Call +62 274 - 7874687 email : primacoco@yahoo.com

Sidr Leaves Powder

Price : IDR 80.000,-/kg
Packing : Plastic

Sidr leaves also know as sea sidr, sidr bitter, withe sidr or wood snake. Usually used for bathing the corpse, bathing people who are new to Islam, also have benefit for curing various disease, such as : diarrhea, diabetes and malaria. Sidr leaves also have benefit for cooling, blood circulation, cleanse blood and toxic. As well as anti - inflammatory, analgesic and diaforetik. 

Sidr leaves are also very effective to help the healing process due to interference genie.

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Liquid Organic Fertilizer

AGRISOUL is a complete liquid fertilizer. Designed specifically for application on effective and efficient plants. Application of the method is quite simple, either by spray or poured directly into the plant. Fertilizer is made by grounding the concept of back to nature, which gives dominance and energy at a particular microbe that plays an important role in the decomposition of organic materials in soil at once provider of the necessary nutrients for plants. 

AGRISOUL function spurring plant growth and healthy soil microbes in the soil and activate. 

Formula AGRISOUL provides many benefits for soil fertility (soil conditioners), accelerate the growth of quality plants, as well as a natural fungicide. Very nice for vegetables plants, fruits, ornamental plants and landscape.

Benefit of AGRISOUL :
Revive to soil organisms
Increase Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Neutralize soil PH, acidic
Damping to prevent deseas